About us

Global Relations is a Swedish non-profit association and consists of some enthusiasts who work completely non-profit to make life better for vulnerable people in Kenya and Ethiopia. We are divided into three working groups located in Gothenburg, Linköping and Stockholm. With the help of a unique network of contacts in East Africa, we make a difference by offering quality education and health care.

Our Projects

Global Relations has several projects in Nairobi, including a secondary school, vocational training, a maternity and health clinic and a dental clinic. In addition to these projects, there are future plans for a school in Ethiopia.


Kenswed Secondary School

The upper secondary school started in 2012 and today has almost 350 young people who receive free education for four years. Qualified teachers who carry out good education, school meals, textbooks, computers, school uniforms, etc. are thus free for students who come from very poor backgrounds. Most of the girls live at the school's boarding school and the boys in year 4 at the nearby boarding school. Read more...


Kenswed Hospital

In June 2019, the doors to Kenswed Hospital opened, where there is quality healthcare with a focus on prenatal care for pregnant women, but also serves as a general health center. Since 2020, maternity activities have been carried out with approximately 125 births so far. Maternity care and childbirth are free of charge and free vaccinations are also given according to the childhood vaccination program. The clinic has its own ambulance, which in addition to being used in emergency situations is used to deliver medicines, home care and to organize field hospitals/medical camps for one day. Staff at the clinic have started a "Girls empowerment program" to facilitate the life situation of young mothers. In 2021, a dental clinic called "Kenswed Dental Clinic" was opened next to Kenswed Hospital, to promote good dental health. Read more...


Kenswed Vocational Training Center

The Kenswed Vocational Training Centre opened in early 2021 with the aim of helping young adults in the step between education and working life. With a focus on own entrepreneurship, vocational training is given to programmers, stylists and pastry chefs. In 2022, the goal is to start more training courses, such as solar cell installer, seamstress and welder Read more...


Kenenisa Bekele Education

We have advanced plans to start a sister school to Kenswed in Ethiopia together with world-renowned runner Kenenisa Bekele.

Sponsor with lump sums

Swish: 123 453 7775

Bankgiro: 5432 -2151

Give a coffee gift

Kenswed Kahawa coffee that supports our projects is sold here


If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor or getting involved in other ways, you are warmly welcome with your contribution, feel free to contact us at info@globalrelations.se for more information!

Our Sponsors

Our Collaborators


Global Relations Newsletter

November 2021 By Dan Öisjöen

Thanks to your efforts, over 300 students get to go to school, eat themselves full and feel more hope for the future. We believe that education is an important way out of poverty and crucial to how one progresses in life. Together we give the young people a chance for a brighter future and this newsletter describes what is happening in the association and at Kenswed.

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Latest News

March 2023 By Dan Öisjöen

A new semester has started with 74 new students divided into two classes. The final-year students took national exams at the end of last year, and now the results have arrived. The students in grade 4, as mentioned, took national exams at the end of last year, and the result was the best so far! There were 24 students who received a grade of C or higher, which is a requirement for continuing studies at university. All 24 students were awarded scholarships from the Zelmerlöw & Björkman Foundation, providing them with financial support for further studies at university.


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